Saturday, May 09, 2009

Uncommon Common ARt

"Uncommon Common Art is a comunity-based environmental art project in which artists are asked to create an original art piece in nature that in some way asks us to stop and pay attention. Whether on private or public property, all art locations are accessible to the public."

I LOVE this project!!! This is the second year for this project that takes place in the Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia

I am working on collaborations with a number of friends, artists, and neighbours. It's truly an exciting way to create art with lots of creative minds by using what you have or can find in nature. The pieces I am collaborating on will feature as part of  the bicycle trails beside my house. The trails are fun to bike and walk but by adding art with the already existing flora and fauna ~ wow, what a wonderful way to celebrate the world in which we live!!!!  :)

Stay tuned to the many creations by various artists from this part of the world by visiting This project will be up and running by June.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a cool thing to be a part of! Nova Scotia always has the most interesting collaborative art ideas

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