I often think of needle felting as a way of painting with fibre. After I have layed down the shapes and colours I will add a bit more depth and interesting lines (reminiscent of my painted pieces) by free form stitching on the sewing machine. I love random squiggles and shapes which flow throughout an image to create more movement in the piece.
Here are some examples of my needle felted art:

Blue Bird
Needle Felted & Stitched
10" x 10"(framed size)
Needle Felted & Stitched
20" x 20" (framed size)
Needle Felted & Stitched
20" x 20" (framed size)
Belly Dancing Herbalist Created for Angie Oriana Jenkins of Sister Lotus. *We did a wonderful trade of art for herbal studies. (2012) |
You can view other available needle felted art by visiting:
Harvest Gallery located in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada. They ship internationally.