Friday, April 28, 2006

Boler Quest

I am currently searching for a Boler to purchase or to barter for. I am looking for a wee Boler for 1-2 people. I have a dream that I must absolutely if you know of a Boler for sale.....please, PLEASE let me know. I am in Nova the closer it is to me....the better!!!!!

These things are so0o0o0o gosh darn cute....and did you know, they are Canadian made? You can check them out at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have a completely renovated on the inside 73 boler. It is cute but we as a family have out grown! The outside is your to paint or design but the inside has all been painted and the table and counter have been replaced and recovered in a granite looking top, all neutral colors and i spend over 1000 dollars recovering the custions in a nice chocolate brown. If you are interested in it email us at We are in Alberta but maybe comimg to Toronto so if that is close enough do contact us :) Cathy and Sean

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